Deans Court Alumni Association

Current News
22 October 2024
We are thrilled to announce an exciting new change to our membership process. From today onwards, when current students graduate, they will automatically join our membership list, and receive our communications and newsletters.
For those who graduated before this change, you will still need to fill our a form to provide us with your contact details and permission to email you. Similarly, if you aren't receiving our emails, please do get in touch so we can rectify that.
For those who do not wish to be contacted by us, please email us at deanscourtalumni@gmail.com, and we will ensure you are removed from our email list. You can, however, remain a member.
Michael Loughridge, Obituary
14 October 2024
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Michael Loughridge, alumnus 1967-1986. Michael's funeral shall be held at 2.30pm on Wednesday, 16th October 2024 at the Brewsterwells Crematorium, Largoward, Fife, KY9 1JF.
The heartfelt thoughts and best wishes of the Association go to Michael's family.
Please go to our announcements page for the full obituary and funeral details.
14 May, 2021
We have been working hard to bring you your very own Deans Court shop! Wherever you are in the world you can now buy Deans Court merchandise here:
We have t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, phone cases, and even cloth face masks for sale AND for the first week of you can get 5% off everything using the code DCWOO.
14 September, 2020
The Association now has a yearly "Announcements" section, as you might find in 'The Chronicle', accessible via the button below.
If you have any announcements you would like to share with alumni, do get in touch! There are three sections - News; Births, Engagements, & Marriages; and Obituaries.